Gamma Girls
Gamma Girls is a collection of AI generated image art NFTs by Michael Gaio.
Gamma Girls is a collection of AI generated image art NFTs by Michael Gaio.
Metaphysics of the Metaverse is a transmedia exploration of the actual, the virtual, and the Real.
Lunar Glyphs are symbols representative of the lunar / moon archetype, the passive and receptive, reflection of light and shadow, fertility, the unconscious mind and psyche, connectivity, the universal feminine, and silver.
Solar Glyphs are symbols representative of the solar / sun / star archetype, the creative force, source of light and energy, self-generation, the conscious mind and heart, centrification, the universal masculine, and gold.
Earth Sky Horse Mandala Transmission – by Michael Gaio, 2012
Jalaka is an interactive, multi-dimensional, hyper-journal archive of the thoughts, experiences, designs, and concepts of Michael Gaio.
Solar Glyphs are symbols representative of the solar / sun / star archetype, the creative force, source of light and energy, self-generation, the conscious mind and heart, centrification, the universal masculine, and gold.